EED – Strategic Defense Company
Defense Company


Omnisys is part of Brazil's Defense and Security Industrial Base (BIDS) and significantly contributes to the country's technological independence through the development of strategic solutions for the Brazilian Armed Forces.

Omnisys has been certified as a Defense Company since October 8, 2014, and was one of the first companies in BIDS to achieve this status. In 2024, as a testament to its commitment to the country's sovereignty, it was unanimously certified by the Joint Defense Industry Commission as a Strategic Defense Company (EED) through ordinnce GM-MD No. 4,514, dated September 23, 2024.

Click here to view the certification. 

Defense Company


A Omnisys has renewed the Level 3 seal of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) version 3.0, which was granted by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute), for our software development activities.

Since 2021, we have been qualified in the CMMI model, which is a quality reference designed to promote process improvement and standardization within organizations. CMMI is divided into five maturity levels, which represent different stages of process evolution and structuring within a company.

Level 1 – Initial: There is no defined structure; processes occur spontaneously, with little control or predictability.

Level 2 – Managed: The company has organized processes for specific projects, with some control, but without solid standardization yet.

Level 3 – Defined: Here, the processes follow clear standards and are adjusted as necessary for different types of projects.

Level 4 – Quantitatively Managed: The company uses data and metrics to predict results and enhance decision-making.

Level 5 – Optimizing: In addition to measuring results, the company focuses on constant innovations and improvements, with highly refined processes.

Maintaining Level 3 confirms that our processes are organized, adaptable, and well-documented, allowing us to work efficiently and with less rework. These standards help us achieve the goals of each project and ensure high-quality products and services.

Strategic Defense Products
Strategic Defense Products


In line with the Brazilian National Defense Strategy, Omnisys has 36 Goods and Services certified by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense as Strategic Defense Products. Among the certifications stand out:

  • Long-Range Air Traffic Control Primary Radar - LP23SST.
  • Monopulse Secondary Air Traffic Control Radar - RSM970S.
  • Electronic War Support Measures System – MAGE.
  • Active Auto-Director Anti-Ship Radar – SEEKER.
  • L-Band Power Amplifier Module - MEL3200.
  • Quadruple RF Amplifier – LQRF.
  • L-Band Electronic Protection Measurement Module.
  • Primary Radar Electronic Warfare Simulator - SGE23NG.
  • S-Band Telemetry Station.
  • Spectrum Monitoring System – SIMO.
  • C-Band Tracking Radar.
  • Rudder Machine Control System.
  • Sonar Hull Active / Passive Surface Ship – KINGKLIP.
  • Optical Tracking System – SISROT.
  • Mobile Primary Surveillance Radar Station – STAR.
  • Radar Installation Services.
  • Launch and Tracking Center Recovery Engineering Services.
  • Corrective Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and Technical Support Services of S-Band Telemetry Stations.
  • Services of Field Intervention and Benchtop Repair of Radar Modules.


Omnisys was authorized by the IRS (Receita Federal) to enjoy the Special Tax Regime for the Defense Industry (RETID) on March 9, 2016 through Declaratory Act No. 06, published in the Federal Official Gazette on March 11 of the same year.

From this qualification, the company's Strategic Defense Products began to enjoy the tax benefits provided by law arising from the application of RETID.

Click here to view the certification. 



The Long Range Airspace Surveillance and Control Radar (LP23SST) is a Strategic Defense Product (PED) manufactured by Omnisys and certified by the Airspace Control Institute (ICEA) on December 7, 2016.

Click here to view the certification.



In order to certify the Corrective Maintenance Workshop to provide repair services to Brazilian airlines, Omnisys began its contacts with the National Civil Aviation Agency, ANAC, in August 2017. In just over a year, the company fulfilled the steps required by the Agency, such as the elaboration of applicable procedures, investment in equipment, training of professionals, evaluation and audit.

In September 2018, Omnisys received two ANAC certifications in accordance with RBAC-145, and the company became part of the select group of Brazilian companies authorized to perform repairs to aeronautical equipment.

Click here to view a certification 1 e certification 2.


Certified for more than 10 years at ISO 9001 and certified at ISO 14001 since 2020, Omnisys Engenharia promotes continuous improvement and maturity of its processes, which guarantees the excellence of its products and services in order to exceed the expectations of its customers.

Scope of certifications:

Provision of maintenance and repair services, development and manufacture of electronic and telecommunications equipment in the aerospace, naval, defense, scientific, atmospheric and environmental segments at the São Bernardo do Campo (SP) site.

Click on the images to check the certifications:

Certificação ISO 9001 e ISO 14001




Logo AEO

AEO is a certification granted to customs and importers, exhibitors, consolidating agents, ports, airports, terminals, shipping companies, and other actors in the logistics chain, based on the verification of the ability of these companies to manage risks related to the physical security of cargo and to tax and customs compliance.

The certifications ensure reliability and allow Omnisys to respond even more quickly to the demands of its customers, as from now on it will be possible to register the import declaration before the arrival of the cargo in the customs territory, guaranteeing the clearance of the goods in a shorter time.

Click to view the AEO Security Certificate and AEO Compliance Certificate.