Fighting the pandemic: Omnisys produces boards for hospital ventilators

At the request of the Ministry of Defense, Omnisys, a company that is part of the Brazilian Defense and Security Industrial Base (BIDS) in Brazil, has been producing electronic boards for artificial ventilators for hospitals since late March. The boards are being manufactured at the company's electronic and mechanical industrial assembly line in São Bernardo do Campo (SP). 

The company has already produced 250 boards within less than two weeks and has an additional lot with 500 boards in the pipeline. The production results from a partnership between Omnisys and CMOS Drake, a manufacturer of medical equipment, and aims to cooperate with the healthcare provided in Intensive Care Units of Brazilian hospitals and minimize the impacts caused by the pandemic. 

According to Luciano Macaferri Rodrigues, Country Director of Thales in Brazil, "the speedy development of the boards results from the Ominsys team's exceptional mobilization of the Ominsys team to adapt our production line focused in the defense and security, inflight entertainment and avionics to other segments." 

Luiz Henriques, CEO at Omnisys, points out that all solutions developed by the company are subject to strict criteria aimed at excellence in deliveries. In this particular case, given the challenging circumstances the country is experiencing, there is an even greater motivation to contribute to such an important cause.

A subsidiary of Thales in Brazil, Omnisys works on other fronts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2020, the company has been repairing dozens of hospital bed devices of the Antonio Pedro Hospital of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Rio de Janeiro. Omnisys also develops a national mechanical respirator in partnership with other companies to help meet the great demand of healthcare facilities.


